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Hřensko – Tsjechie
4 september 2017 - 10 september 2017
You don’t have to travel throughout Europe to find a magical place for your vacation. You can find it right here in the Czech Republic. Wonderful scenery with spectacular rock formations, narrow passes, view towers and mesas that stretch right up to the German boarder await your discovery. Walking through the countryside you can find Pravčická gate, the largest rock bridge in Europe and many beautiful rocky view points that tower up to the tree tops as well as great sailing in the canyon of Kamenice river.
Thanks to the unique topography of the area a stay here could benefit your health. Air gets heated on the rocky cliffs and mesas. This causes strong thermal up drafts to occur. These up drafts cause a mixing of the lower atmosphere with air higher up. The air up above is clean air blown in from the North Sea. This air mixes with the hot dry thermals and creates an especially healthy mix. The area has long been known as an “air spa”.
This region is also unique for its flora and fauna. Thanks to the very clean ecology the unique plants and animals of the area are thriving especially the many species of mosses
which are abundant. There are numerous crystal clear cold-water streams, which rise from huge underground lakes that are the largest in the Czech Republic.
Walk the forest trails, discover the old rocky castles, set out for the mythical empires of the dwarves, fairies and robbers who used to live in this area and maybe they still do. You can find lots of romantic places, the grass in the forests is soft as the clouds, and it invites you into its arms. Sometimes its quiet and sometimes the birds sing, the sun shines through the tree tops and the wind twists the trees and the streams flow peacefully. Experience this unforgettable place and you might feel like you’re in a fairy-tale. That may be the reason why the fairy-tale “A Proud Princess” was filmed here.
Region description
The scenery is really beautiful there, inviting for many trips. The whole region is attractive for biking lovers for its beauty and modesty of cycling trails. In the surrounding area there are a lot of view towers where you can have a wonderful view of the scenery. In winter Lužické mountains are a good place for skiers. There are lots of adjusted trails for cross-country skiing as well as the downhill skiing. We also offer many cosy pensions where you can spend pleasant moments of rest and peace.
Alle informatie over de regio is hier te vinden.
The small village Hřensko on the German border makes the entrance gate to the National park Bohemian Switzerland. The road from Děčín to Hřensko itself is fascinating for its beautiful scenery of the huge canyon of sandstone rocks and the Elbe river that leads you quietly on and on. The surrounding rocks rise from canyon up to hundred metres above the river´s level and as the guardians guard the country. With its situation on the confluence of the Elbe river and Kamenice river, Hřensko is the lowest situated place in the Czech republic (its altitude is 115 m above sea). Despite its low altitude the scenery around makes a unique phenomenon that makes you feel like being in the mountains. The whole village is in the deep gorge along Kamenice river with many restaurants, hotels and pensions around.
The first mention about Hřensko dates back to the 15th century where there was only one pub for sailors and rafters. Later on people started to settle there and their living was not only floating the lumber but also the salt, grain and glass that was stocked there too. With the trade increase the village was becoming important. Later the start of steam sailing was very significant for the development of the village. In 1838 the first steamship floated through here. In the 19th century the tourism started to increase supported very much by the owner of the manor, prince Edmund Clary Aldringen. In this time many touristic trails were created. E.g. the promenade path to Pravčická gate was adjusted.
The aristocratic tourists often visited this sight then. They did not walk on foot, but it was in the habit of renting mules and the group of porters. The prince also let the passes of Kamenice river adjusted so the boats could have ride through them. The reason was the bet of local people who in 1877 successfully floated the wild river Kamenice on rafts. Later the lower pass was named after prince, it is called Edmund´s pass.
Hřensko and its surrounding was also a big inspiration for the famous fairy-tales writer Hans Christian Andersen who visited this place several times. He was so fascinated by the whole area that he had to repeat his visit.
In the area of Labské sandstones and Pravčická gate – the largest rock bridge in Europe, very popular american movie “Narnia, the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” was shot. Watching the movie you will see the unique beauty of the area and Pravčická gate. Hřensko is the starting point for its visit. Another interesting place that you should not forget to visit is the boatride through the pass of Kamenice river accompanied with the ferryman´s impressive stories. Both these attractions are connected with all-day educational trail that leads from Hřensko to Pravčická gate, through the deep woods bordered with rocks you will get to Mezní Louka from where you go down to Kamenice river where the boatrides through the passes start and you get back to Hřensko.
From April do October you can use the steamship or the historical one-floor bus of german company and make a trip to the german side of the border. The steamship stops in every village along the river and you can get as far as Dresden on it. Once a day there is also a steamship going to Děčín and back. The historical bus drives from Mezní Louka through Hřensko to saxon Konigstein and back several times a day. All the information about it you find in the transport section.
Sights in the village
Elbe prospect
Pravčická Brána
Pravčická Brána is the largest natural stone bridge on our continent and a natural monument of our country. It is considered the most beautiful natural form in Czech Switzerland and is the symbol of the entire area.
Its dimensions are remarkable, although when looking at it close up it seems bigger. The span of the arch at the bottom is 26.5 m, the height of the opening is 16 m, width 7-8 m, minimum thickness 3 m, and the surface area of the bridge is 21 m above its base.
From the point of entry into the area, well-maintained trails and a staircase diverge to individual lookout points from which we can observe Pravčická Brána itself and take in the impressive views of the nearby and far away surroundings.
Inseparable from Pravčická Brána is the holiday chateau known as the Falcon’s Nest. It was built in 1881 on the site of a cabin made from oak bark, which served as a tavern. Originally the Falcon’s Nest accommodated important guests of the Clary-Aldringen family. The ground floor contains a preserved, period restaurant decorated with original paintings.